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Displaying 22 of 22 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
Share Prices / Energy / Oil & Gas
Royal Dutch Shell - Moving upstream
LON:RDSB by Fat Prophets 9th Nov '10 · 0 comments · 3460 reads · 1 vote
"Ramping up production for the large Western integrated oil majors is easier said than done. BP Plc has bet heavily on Russia and deepwater drilling while BG Group has turned to Brazil and partnered up…"
Royal Dutch Shell and BP: A tale of two petroleum majors
LON:SHEL by Fat Prophets 7th Apr '10 · 0 comments · 3769 reads · 3 votes
"Whilst oil heavyweights BP (LON:BP.) and Royal Dutch Shell B (LON:RDSB) may be producing similar amounts of gas, BP’s higher levels of liquids production has recently put Royal Dutch Shell in the shad…"
Is Shell really as cheap as you might think?
LON:SHEL by Miserly Investor 14th Apr '13 · 2 comments · 8766 reads · 7 votes
"Royal Dutch Shell (LON:RDSA, LON:RDSB) usually needs little introduction. It is one of the world’s largest oil and gas companies, originally formed in 1907 through the merger of Royal Dutch and Shell…"
Royal Dutch Shell - Transitioning to life under a new Voss
LON:RDSB by Fat Prophets 12th Nov '09 · 0 comments · 1532 reads · 0 votes
"It wasn’t long ago that the oil majors were public enemy number one posting bumper profits whilst consumers were forced to pay record prices at the petrol pumps.  Not so anymore.  Lower oil and gas pr…"
SIF Portfolio: Oil stocks make me question dividend rules
LON:RDSB by Roland Head 19th Jun '18 · 6 comments · 5218 reads · 20 votes
"Last week I wrote about the SIF portfolio’s heavy exposure to cyclical stocks. The cyclical companies I was referring to are mostly stocks dependent on consumer spending or the construction market. On…"
Using an investment checklist to value Shell
LON:RDSB by UK Value Investor 23rd Mar '12 · 10 comments · 11141 reads · 16 votes
"We’re all feeling the pain of high petrol and diesel costs at the moment with prices at the pump hitting more than 150p per litre in some places.  I know that some investors like to hedge their bets a…"
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