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Displaying 10 of 10 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
Small Cap Value Report (4 Jul 2014) - OFF, STAF, SRT
LON:OFF^J17 by Paul Scott 4th Jul '14 · 18 comments · 17586 reads · 26 votes
"Good morning. Time for me to stop messing around on Twitter, and write a report!Office2office (LON:OFF)In a brief trading update this morning, the company says that trading in H1 to 30 Jun 2014 has b…"
Small Cap Value Report (28 Aug 2014) - XAR, MLIN, KMK, OFF
LON:XAR by Paul Scott 28th Aug '14 · 21 comments · 19365 reads · 33 votes
"Good morning!Xaar (LON:XAR)Share price: 440pNo. shares: 76.4mMarket Cap: £336mI dropped SCVR coverage of this innovative industrial printhead manufacturer last year, as the shares shot up, taking its…"
Small Cap Value Report (21 Aug 2014) - TNG, OFF, SKP, CBUY
LON:TNG^J17 by Paul Scott 21st Aug '14 · 12 comments · 15109 reads · 30 votes
"Good morning!Tangent Communications (LON:TNG)Share price: 7.5pNo. shares: 277.1mMarket Cap: £20.8mFrom what I can make out, this is basically a company that prints marketing material, through its web…"
Small Cap Value Report (3 Jul) - SID, BEG, SDM, OFF, ITM
LON:SID^J17 by Paul Scott 3rd Jul '13 · 10 comments · 15055 reads · 11 votes
"Good morning. Apologies for the technical gremlins this morning, hence am running a bit late. So here's a quick rattle through the announcements & market events which have caught my eye in the sma…"
Small Cap Value Report (13 Jan 2014) - OFF, TCM, SIM, STT, TRAK
LON:OFF^J17 by Paul Scott 13th Jan '14 · 11 comments · 19137 reads · 22 votes
"Good morning. Quiet for news today. Office2office (LON:OFF) has put out a profit warning. Their shares have fallen from about 100p to 28.5p in the last year, and I would imagine are likely to take an…"
Small Cap Value Report (8 Apr 2014) - MTEC, SNTY, INTQ, PRV, OFF, RNO
LON:GATC by Paul Scott 8th Apr '14 · 13 comments · 23165 reads · 26 votes
"Good morning! Just a reminder that tonight is the inaugural ShareSoc Brighton investor evening, hosted by myself and Simon Cooper. We have about 50 guests booked in, so it should hopefully be an inter…"
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