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Displaying 19 of 19 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
LOQ: momentum thoughts
LON:ACSO by Mark Carter 25th Jun '13 · 0 comments · 3112 reads · 1 vote
"I had been writing recently about a momentum strategy that I’m trying to develop. I am looking for RS6m in the top quintile, and PV50 (price vs 50dSMA) less than, say, 7.5% for a buy. On the face of i…"
Lo-Q plc: Transitioning from startup origins to a professional operation
LON:ACSO by Ben Hobson 11th Aug '10 · 3 comments · 6514 reads · 23 votes
"Lo-Q (LON:LOQ) is an AIM listed business which designs and operates “virtual queuing systems” for theme parks that allow members of the public to make reservations for rides and attractions. The Comp…"
Applauding Stephen Hester's bonus waiver at RBS
LON:SRT by LCF Research 31st Jan '12 · 4 comments · 12113 reads · 2 votes
"I was delighted that Stephen Hester finally agreed to forego part of his RBS bonus, albeit that it took him some time to do so, and I salute Sir Philip Hampton, the RBS chairman, for providing leaders…"
Small Cap Report (6 Feb) - QED, CAP, LOQ, ECK, RHL, VNET, KBC
LON:QED^J17 by Paul Scott 6th Feb '13 · 1 comment · 13141 read · 18 votes
"Quintain Estates And Development (LON:QED) is a property developer with two key projects in London (Greenwich Peninsula and Wembley), plus student accommodation, and property fund management division…"
In Crisis, there is Opportunity: Investing in Turbulent Times
LON:SRP by Edward Croft 21st May '10 · 1 comment · 10258 read · 13 votes
" The markets are tanking, some are expecting a crash, many are questioning the stability of the Eurozone, and everyone seems to think there are serious systemic issues in the financial system. It’s…"
Allan Mecham's Rule-Breaker's Rules
LON:ABM^J17 by LCF Research 28th Feb '12 · 0 comments · 6909 reads · 2 votes
"This week I draw to your attention two different but related investment themes. The first concerns a US fund manager, Allan Mecham, who takes a long term view and ignores the conventional tools used b…"
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