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Displaying 6 of 6 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
2010 Nap review
LON:CNG by Susan Marmor 3rd Jan '11 · 3 comments · 4409 reads · 7 votes
"In December 2009, I posted my 2010 Naps on Twitter. Senior (LON:SNR)Kryso Resources (LON:KYS)Cairn Energy Plc (LON:CNE)Senior (LON:SNR) (76% YTD) made the cut because it had an enviable forward order…"
Newmont, Red Back & Semafo all in top 100 best performing Gold stocks globally
LON:CNG by Mineweb 10th Sep '10 · 0 comments · 6924 reads · 1 vote
"Why are some Tier 1 gold stocks relatively underperforming their global peers in the stock price tables? These and other questions may well be pondered by specialist investors in listed gold stocks as…"
Gold standard: Stockopedia speaks to Andrew Herbert, the CFO of gold producer Anglo Asian Mining plc
LON:ZOX by Ben Hobson 4th Aug '10 · 0 comments · 5406 reads · 5 votes
"Since pouring first gold at its flagship Gedabek mine in Azerbaijan in May 2009, AIM listed Anglo Asian Mining Plc (LON:AAZ) has been gradually ramping up production and is on course to hit its targe…"
Vassilios Carellas sets his sights on gold in Slovakia with Ortac Resources
LON:CNG by Ben Hobson 18th Mar '11 · 2 comments · 9280 reads · 7 votes
"When Vassilios Carellas resigned his position as managing director of Kryso Resources (LON:KYS) in May 2009, he jetted off to enjoy his first summer holiday for 15 years. However, shortly before he l…"
AIM stocks once again dominate Top 100 UK stock market performers list
LON:WTG by Ben Hobson 23rd Dec '11 · 0 comments · 13879 reads · 6 votes
"The absence of a traditional Santa rally on London markets this Christmas sums up the story for beleaguered investors in 2011, particularly during the second half of the year. Twelve months ago analys…"
Hybridan Small Cap Wrap: Lighthouse shows the way, Lipoxen demonstrates it’s not to be sneezed at
LON:REH^J17 by Hybridan 19th Oct '10 · 0 comments · 4671 reads · 3 votes
"This week: Lighthouse shows the way, Lipoxen demonstrates it’s not to be sneezed at   African Minerals Ltd (LON:AMI) (AMI 450p/£1226.59m) The AIM-listed iron ore company, developing a project in Sier…"
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