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Displaying 11 of 11 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
JKX Oil & Gas - Working to stem the flow decline
LON:JKX by Fat Prophets 14th Jun '11 · 0 comments · 2793 reads · 1 vote
"With Jkx Oil & Gas (LON:JKX) recently released full year 2010 results reporting marginally lower revenue and falling production investors have certainly have seen better times.  However the group is…"
JKX - Oil and Gas Drilling Success
LON:JKX by Fat Prophets 21st Jul '10 · 1 comment · 2807 read · 5 votes
"With results from a second well test in the Koshekhablskoye Field in Russia "far" exceeding expectations, the recent uplift in JKX’s share price may seem to have an explanation. However the…"
JKX Oil & Gas - Ending the year on a high
LON:JKX by Fat Prophets 6th Jan '11 · 1 comment · 2786 read · 1 vote
"For any resources company, building up resources and reserves is the name of the game.  Currently Jkx Oil & Gas (LON:JKX) has booked 21.6 million barrels of oil equivalent (boe) of probable reserves…"
Oil & Gas watch - DGOC and Enwell
LON:JKX by Jack Brumby 18th Feb '21 · 11 comments · 5973 reads · 35 votes
"Part two of two in this initial look at potential oil & gas plays. There’s more of a scene-setting introduction over in part one, but to summarise: Oil and gas is a risky section of the market, wi…"
Oil & Gas watch - Serica Energy and JKX
LON:JKX by Jack Brumby 9th Feb '21 · 26 comments · 8348 reads · 56 votes
"The oil and gas industry is experienced in dealing with tough market conditions, but nobody could have predicted the confluence of events that have hit all businesses over the past year. A severe and…"
Trading the Trend - Two resource momentum plays
LON:JLP by Michael Taylor 6th Nov '20 · 6 comments · 4255 reads · 48 votes
"We’re into lockdown #2 now. Furlough has been extended until March. Lots of bars, cafes, restaurants, and businesses that make our lives nicer, will unfortunately have shut up shop for the last time.…"
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