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Displaying 16 of 16 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
Deals of the Week: Premier Make an Opportunistic Grab for Encore Oil
LON:HBR by EvaluateEnergy 10th Oct '11 · 0 comments · 4446 reads · 4 votes
"Premier Oil (LON:PMO) made a timely offer for fellow North Sea exploration company Encore Oil this week, for a consideration of $325 million (net of cash held by Encore). The offer per share, which ha…"
Doing Business in Uganda: A Review of Uganda’s Oil Sector in light of the recent Tullow Oil - Heritage Oil deal
LON:TLW by The Oil Council 30th Sep '10 · 0 comments · 3617 reads · 9 votes
"Written by Atipo Ambrose Peter Jr., Partner and Head, Energy, Mining and Infrastructure, Kiiza & Kwanza Advocates & Legal Consultants Uganda is one of the new oil states that are currently att…"
Fox Davies Daily Update featuring Heritage Oil, Obtala and Excite
LON:HOIL^J17 by Fox Davies Capital 8th Feb '10 · 0 comments · 1490 reads · 2 votes
"Oil & Gas Corporate News Heritage Oil (HOIL, 480p, ? (1.09%)) issued an update on the proposed disposal of the Company's entire interest in Block 1 and Block 3A in Uganda. Heritage announced that…"
The Oil Council interview with Paul Atherton, CFO, Heritage Oil
LON:HOIL^J17 by The Oil Council 18th May '11 · 4 comments · 6541 reads · 3 votes
"Heritage Oil (LON:HOIL) is an independent oil and gas production and exploration company listed on the London Stock Exchange, with a secondary listing on the Toronto Stock Exchange. The Company's imm…"
Encore Oil feted as Small Cap of the Year in Oil Industry Awards
LON:RKH by Dave Brickell 29th Nov '10 · 0 comments · 7536 reads · 12 votes
"North Sea explorer, Encore Oil (LON:EO.) was feted by fellow oil industry executives as the Small Cap of the Year at the annual Oil Council awards in London last Thursday. With more than 300 from acro…"
Tower Resources Pressing Ahead in Uganda
LON:TRP by AnonymousUser3343 25th Jun '10 · 0 comments · 3839 reads · 4 votes
" Tower Resources (LON:TRP) the AIM listed oil and gas exploration company with acreage interests predominately in Uganda and Namibia has announced that it is pressing ahead with its Uganda work progra…"
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