Photo of Andy Sav
Photo of Andy Sav

Andy Sav

Solution Architect - Big Data, BI & AI / ML

  • Joined 25 Oct 2019
  • 3 posts


My parents bought me an Acorn Electron in 1984  / 1985 which came with Business Games: I loved playing StokMark at the age of 11 / 12, which was my first taste of investing. I remember watching the price of the Channel Tunnel stock move as the Cefax pages updated on the TV in 1988 and was fascinated by the price movements. I didn't start investing until 1997, but after the tech bubble popped in 2000 and needing to buy a house with my Fiancé, I left investing behind me.  In Sept 2018, after a bit of reminiscing, I decided to start investing again. Not having much confidence in my ability, I started off by buying The Naked Trader book by Robbie Burns. In the latest revision of Robbie's book, he mentioned how pivotal Stockopedia was to his investment decisions. Having a career in IT, I completely understand the value that tools can provide. I had trialled SharePad, but found that far too technical for my limited knowledge. I trialled Stockopedia and haven't looked back since. Pauls (and Jacks) Small Cap Value Report is one of my must follows of the day along with many other useful tip bits that the site provides. Stockopedia introduced me to both PI World and Mello Events and Mello Events has highlighted how useful ShareSoc is. 

Overall, I am delighted to be part of this community. I

n Jan 2021, I am 13% up overall since Sept 2018, however, I have been adding more funds along the way, which dilutes the overall result. I think I am position well for the next couple of years :)

Investment strategy

Like to consider both value and growth opportunities on merit. Try to avoid high net debt to profit ratios and like to follow Naked Traders advice that Net Debt should be no more than 3 x profit. I also like looking at the Jim Slater Screen for ideas and have done well with £SLP to date