Photo of andrewdb
Photo of andrewdb


Analyst, Consultant, Private Investor

  • Joined 29 Jul 2014
  • 5 posts


Day job

started as an actuarial student because it started with 'a' turned programmer turned admin consultant turned systems consultant/project manager/ whatever clients are happy to pay for.

Always liked topology/numeric analysis. Did 2/3 msc in AI. Moved house.

Grow vines to make bad wine.

Lately been interested in SVMs/ NNets, but not seen the amazing results quoted in my attempts.

Investment strategy

Like others here, start with a stocko screen to some extent based on the core SRs. Then prune: SIPP I do not buy : 'jam tomorrow' stocks, loss making companies, companies in dying industries, companies whose products are easily substituted ISA I do not buy : companies in dying industries, companies whose products are easily substituted

Internationalist in the long term: Well run countries will outperform - the us/sweden/(and yes) the uk/most of the EU Badly run countries will eventually fail - china/parts of s.america, africa/russia, italy

Admit that the SRs are backward looking so they are not a 'magic bullet', so before doing anything, need to look wider.

Struggling with timing exits. Made early mistakes selling at/near lows.
Currently considering just not selling.