If a man……………make a better mousetrap than his neighbour, though he build his house in the woods, the world will make a beaten path to his door. Ralph Waldo Emerson; 1803-1882

Finding the Oil & Gas technology successes of the future news story imageIn this article, I want to see if I can identify some key technology trends, and therefore potentially successful technology companies. My approach will be to look at business and exploration trends to identify the key ‘pulls’ on technology; it seems important to think about the issue this way round – as opposed to identifying “wouldn’t it be neat if…….” technologies and ‘pushing’ them into exploration (and business). This seems like a good moment to declare my views on energy policy, climate change…..

Where I am on this is that:

  1. There's just no point in denying that burning fossil fuels is having an impact on the planet. I was very much in the 'old' BP position of "as scientists we should accept the evidence and think about how to respond". Pretty well as Shell articulate today.
  2. As we see in most of life, we will wait a long time for politicians to do anything sensible….and if you don’t believe that, I suggest you review what happened in Copenhagen a few weeks ago!
  3. I don't believe wind and solar will provide more than a fraction of the energy we need (tides may be a special thing for the UK) and I still find nuclear a bit scary [partly because of b) - imagine if this UK Government treated the nuclear industry like they treat our armed forces!].
  4. So I see little alternative to fossil fuels for the foreseeable future. That said, I'm going to trust a) our inventiveness and b) technology. For example, you will perhaps have seen that the US has discovered enough Gas (which is by far the cleanest of the fossil fuels) that somebody as experienced as T Boone Pickens thinks they could aim at getting by without 'foreign oil' and I like Carbon Capture & Sequestration if it means we can use all that coal without choking everything and everyone.

So the first question I ask myself is - where are the Majors (and larger Independents) going to find oil & gas new resources in the next decade? It seems to me that there are two…

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