So I have my own contrarian investment style and it is working. However I don't know how to judge my gains.... 

Put in the simplest terms, the overall view is that you need between 7-10% returns to be beating inflation and/or the S&P500. Whilst I do appreciate that sometimes it is easier and probably better to just stick my money into an S&P500 ETF or World ETF.

However this year I'm testing my own strategy without the S&P500 due to my age and the low amount I am risking.

I set tight stop losses and then decide whether to add more or get out when alerted.

However my problem is that whilst im currently up 4.5% for 4 months, is this poor as it should be 7%?

I don't believe this is the case, so should I just be comparing to the all world or S&P500?

What if my contrarian style which is 4.5% suddenly goes to 20-25% come the end of the year....

Im always open to suggestions and never ever claim to be an expert in trading and investing, I want to learn from errors and those willing to give advice or help.

So how should I be assessing my portfolio or style come 6 months? or should I just wait until the end of the year?

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