Reporting season is over for another six months  and we welcome our Australasian Stockopedia members into the “Village Square”. Something we do at the end each month. Come join in the fun and frivolity and share one stock that we can all go off and research over the month ahead.

This is the third month  of gathering so we are slowly accumulating support. I say slow because we had a very small increase in submissions this period from the last. 

However as stipulated last month, the Village Square’s success and LONGEVITY will be dependent on the engagement we receive. So now with the reporting season just completed and a new set of numbers to base our decisions on, there is no reason why you can't put up a stock of interest for everyone to look at. And don't worry, if you are reading this a week or two after this has been posted, please still feel free to contribute. More the merrier and the Square is open all hours!

Just a refresher on the rules:

  • Share a SINGLE stock or a lesson learnt with everyone that we can all mull over for the coming month (JUST ONE EACH PLEASE!)

  • You are not required to write a dissertation about the business (unless you want to) - one sentence is sufficient.

  • We (Chris and I) are NOT going to be conducting analysis on these companies - nor will we be recording their performance.

  • This monthly exercise is purely done in the spirit of sharing and should NOT BE TAKEN AS ADVICE in any shape or form. Obviously stocks and views raised in this forum are not the shared views of Stockopedia.

  • Please don’t be judgmental of anyone’s selection and please don’t provide specific advice to anyone - even if you are trying to help them. Specific advice will be flagged and removed from the system. Giving a "Thumbs up" however is fine.

  • Remember to place a “@” (eg @bhp) in front of the code you wish to share. That way we can all access it quickly in Stockopedia

  • You can put a stock forward that has already been nominated. More the merrier. Just remember to state why you are putting it forward.

The idea of the Village Square is to generate a list of companies that each of…

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