Investing over the past 2 years has been a little like ‘death by a 1,000 cuts’. Indeed my own portfolio has caught more ‘falling knives’ than even the "Great Throwdini".

However (hopefully) things are about to change. Find out here why from Justin Waite & myself of Vox Markets - including:

00:00 When will the markets turn?
10:55 Supreme PLC
19:15 Avacta.
27:00 LungLife AI
32:50 Oxford BioDynamics Plc
36:10 Destiny Pharma plc.
37:25 Elecosoft
42:15 Verici Dx
45:15 TruFin plc
47:45 Belluscura
50:05 Saietta Electric Drive
53:25 Polarean Imaging
56:35 Avingtrans
59:45 Venture Life Group plc
61:45 FADEL
68:05 Learning Technologies Group plc
73:25 Team17 Group PLC

Disclosure : I own Eleco.

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