In this round table discussion, Christopher Watling (CEO Longview Economics), Patrick Armstrong, CFA (CIO Plurimi Wealth) and Edmund Shing (CIO BNP Paribas Wealth Management) take me through where we are in the economic cycle & the outlook for all main asset classes.

Time stamps

00:00 Where investors are in the economic cycle?
02:24 Outlook for #equities.
06:00 Opportunities in fixed income.
07:25 Do global stock valuations make sense?
10:15 How to play #technology?
14:45 China, commodities, oil & miners
23:25 How might high oil prices feed through into central bank decisions?
26:35 Banks & bonds.
31:15 Health of the consumer.
35:45 Attractive investment themes to consider.
43:15 Key risks to watch out for.

Disclosure: I was paid by Vox markets to record this interview.

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