On this morning’s Vox Markets Exchange, I was delighted again to speak to accomplished investor Roland Head of Stockopedia – including:

00:00 His investment approach, YTD returns & the outlook for equities
08:00 Burberry
13:40 Duke Capital Limited
15:40 Serica Energy plc
20:45 James Halstead
25:30 Renold PLC
27:20 PageGroup
30:50 The Property Franchise Group
33:15 PayPoint plc
38:30 RWS Group
45:05 UK brickmakers & Michelmersh Brick Holdings PLC
47:30 RS Group
53:00 Assura plc & BAT
54:30 UK building products sector, Eurocell plc & Somero Enterprises
60:15 Potential global supply chain disruption if #Trump wins the US Presidential election
62:55 The Renewables Infrastructure Group Limited (TRIG)
68:10 City of London Investment Group
71:35 Stocks Roland Head has been selling

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