Find out here from Justin Waite & myself of Vox Markets


00:00 Implications of US & UK interest rate decisions.
05:45 & 36:35 Avacta.
14:45 Destiny Pharma plc.
16:25 Breaking news for Intelligent Ultrasound
21:15 hVIVO
24:30 Belluscura
28:05 Totally Plc
30:25 Saietta Electric Drive
32:45 Cake Box
33:50 Avingtrans
38:50 Supreme PLC
42:25 Good Energy
47:35 Sondrel
50:45 Equals Money.
56:20 Argentex Group PLC.
59:45 Cornerstone FS
60:30 Elecosoft

Disclosure: I own #EQLS, #SND & #ELCO

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