I just realised that the market capitalisation of Bank of Georgia (LON:BGEO) has eased over £1bn

This is of interest to me as a holder of Georgia Capital (LON:CGEO) as it’s market capitalisation is only £281m

The possible opportunity is that this very well run and prudent private equity company, in terms of it valuations and business growth record (eg see Edison report of May 31st 2022) has a 19.9% holding in Bank of Georgia (LON:BGEO) (ie worth approximately £200m. As of May this represented 18.2% of Georgia Capital (LON:CGEO) assets. This would appear to suggest that one can buy the remaining 81.8% of assets the company holds for £81m!

I hesitate to use the term mis-pricing, but I’m struggling to find the enormous mistake I surely must have made in my analysis making this case. Any illumination would be most welcome.

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