Purposes of this thread is I'll update once a week, usually on a Friday, with UK stocks I'm monitoring building large weekly bases.

Markets can often be thematic. If I notice a strong theme (sector/group) I'll mention that too.

Why weekly bases? Because UK stocks often make terrible 'swing trading stocks' due to liquidity issues and wide spreads vs US stocks across the pond.

I combine technicals with fundamentals, to understand the type of setups I trade, please visit my YouTube channel.

Not financial advice, DYOR etc.

Please right click on the charts to enlarge.

(1) Redrow (LON:RDW) Kier (LON:KIE) 

Interesting UK homebuilding/construction stocks looking strong. Of course, we know there is a woeful undersupply of housing in the UK.

RDW & KIE look to be current leaders of the pack from a technical and fundamental perspective. Other homebuilders have potential for big weekly bases, but they don't look as strong currently.

RDW StockRank 99

KIE StockRank 96

TW. StockRank 96

BDEV StockRank 91

PSN StockRank 76



(2) Rolls-Royce Holdings (LON:RR.) 

Potential for another large base like previously this year. Solid looking weekly chart with bouts of strong volume and now reclaiming its 10-week simply moving average. Impressive relative strength all year vs the weak FTSE100.

RR. StockRank 85


(3) Yellow Cake (LON:YCA) 

Broke out of an 18-month base in July and several weeks ago bounced nicely off its 10w SMA. Uranium a strong theme 'across the pond' with many US listed uranium stocks showing relative strength: Cameco (NYQ:CCJ) Uranium Energy (ASQ:UEC) Nexgen Energy (NYQ:NXE) 

Cameco (NYQ:CCJ) recently reported earnings up 967% YoY.

YCA StockRank 76


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