A summary of the latest stock ideas and global insights from the Stockopedia Community.

Markets & Macro

If you have been astonished by the market rally in 2009, there's plenty of food for thought for 2010.  Niels Jensen is concerned by mental midgets and moral pygmies, John Mauldin worries about a double dip recession in 2011 while Bill Bonner suggests that, rather than buying the dips, we just sit back and enjoy the depression. But if you are thinking about repositioning, bear in mind the recent words of Dr Marc Faber that cash and bonds may be the worst two investments for a portfolio.

The BRICS continue to spark interest with Marben100 finding anecdotal evidence of the global impact of Chinese overcapacity in provincial Brazil while Andrew Butter argues the Shanghai markets are still well off bubble territory.  The Dubai story was kept in the news by the recent move by Abu Dhabi to pay Dubai's debts fueling debate amongst our Top Contributors.

Oil & Gas Focus

Industry expert David Bamford writes about who and where is winning in global frontier oil exploration. The Oil Majors lost out in 2009 to upstarts including Gulf Keystone, Heritage Oil and Anadarko. Will 2010 continue in that vein? ValueInvestor assesses the prospects for Falkland Oil & Gas with a rig finally moving to the area. 

Globalisation of the Natural Gas Market has put a big strain on the UK's lack of gas storage facilities - Providence Resources aims to invest in this trend in the Irish Sea. The ongoing Major Power energy security scramble is further illustrated by China’s natural gas pipeline with Kazakhstan bypassing Russia.

Emptyend reviewed O&G valuation trends, while DJPreston highlighted the listing of Russian E&P play PetroKamchatka. Other oilers discussed were Tullow, Serica and Petrominerales.

Stockopedia Contributor, Andrew Sibel has provided a helpful write-up of London Global Energy Conference presentations by both Hardy Oil & Gas and Rajasthan E&P play Indus Gas who incidentally reported interims this week

Metals, Mining and Miscellany

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