Since we've gone public with the research and results of our Staff Investment Club here at Stockopedia, we've published a number of in depth "Stock Pitches" that have been made at club meetings. While the pitches themselves are highly valuable research notes in and of themselves, many subscribers have mentioned how useful they are finding the "template" for their own research. So I thought it would be worth publishing the template as a standalone piece to inspire a bit of discussion about research processes.

We've tried to encourage staff to follow a consistent format for structuring their pitch - as it really helps in both the research phase and the delivery. This template has been evolving over time and certainly isn't complete - in fact I'm hoping that by publishing this we'll inspire a bit of dialogue from the community about how to improve it. The template is designed to be just comprehensive enough for someone to cover most of the important bases to really get to grips with the story behind a stock.

1/ Finding a Stock Idea

Some people find this intimidating. But to me it's quite simple. There are a couple of main approaches to finding a good idea:

  • Find ideas using Databases - use the StockRanks or a sensible Stock Screen (in the Club we are using the basic rules StockRank > 75 and MktCap > £20m) on to create a shortlist of shares to look at. Then just pick a few and get cracking looking into them. I find the StockRanks & Styles absolutely invaluable for understanding the type of share I'm dealing with and whether I want to spend time researching it. For the Investment Club we don't look at any shares with a StockRank less than 75. The stock market is a game of odds - you don't have to swing at every pitch - and historically low StockRank shares have underperformed - why bother?
  • Find ideas using Scuttlebutt - scuttlebutt is a great word for social gossip or rumour. There are so many great sources for finding shares that intelligent investors are investigating. Whether via the Stockopedia Community, including the wonderful Small Cap Value Report, Twitter (my top tip - be very selective in who you follow), webinars and videos from,