Ok, not the cheeriest of subjects but I would appreciate people's thoughts all the same.

The premature death of a friend has made me think a little more about estate planning. When my father passed away he had a few unit trusts, a few privatisation legacy holdings and a work pension, God bless him.

Like most people on here I have a very active stock portfolio, mostly in tax shelter SIPPs or ISAs that I trade regularly. Maybe 30-40 stock holdings or more, trading at least weekly.

So, let's say England win the Euros and the shock causes me to have a heart attack . What should my instructions in my will be?

The wife has no clue or interest in managing a portfolio but will need to sell stocks from time to time to supplement salary/pension. So do I leave instructions that the portfolio is liquidated or do I have it run on for dividends and capital growth? Who do I ask to make the decision as to when a share should be sold on news/price movement/macro factors. 

As I currently do this as a full time job do I trust a wealth manager to manage it as I would have done, very unlikely, or not to charge an arm and a leg for a poor service and trash the portfolio.

And on top of this I need to make sure records are clear for any qualifying AIM stocks that will help mitigate IHT, very difficult for a trader who might just have a small holding of long term stocks  that meet the 2 years plus requirement. Also everything is online now so spreadsheets and passwords are necessities as no share certificates laying around!

I guess it is the no longer  being in control that I have not really given enough consideration to, but I am not sure of the alternatives.

So, thoughts from young and old would be appreciated as none of us know what is just around the corner!  

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