See all the previous BBB Monthly Recaps here. 2021 summary here.

(Part Time) Fund Manager’s Report

Who would have expected such a turbulent market in January? Investors finally started panicking about interest rate rises. With the rise of Gilt Yields and Treasury Yields, major parts of the market started puking, and volatility shot through the roof.

In my BBB Fund, it was very pleasing that my combined performance of +1.2% beat the All-FTSE index handily. Even my ISA, which only has AIM shares, had only a decline of -1.2% compared to the AIM-100 which suffered a -12% fall.

Three things that helped to protect me in January:

I sold some of my highly valued, unprofitable shares early on. System1 (LON:SYS1) and Sosandar (LON:SOS) were quick to go, and it was the right call as both are trading below my sale prices. I do think they are good growth companies, so will be looking for weakness to buy back in.

I held 31% cash in my ISA, at the start of January, which helped to minimise any falls.

In my SIPP, I had >25% in total in a Gold ETF and Short S&P500 ETF. Both did well during January, producing positive returns that helped to offset declines I saw in some of my shares. Along with 11% in cash.

My decisions were not all perfect. I held onto Fulcrum Utility Services (LON:FCRM) and Oxford Biodynamics (LON:OBD) despite both being highly valued, loss-making companies that I knew would be hit. In both, I couldn’t give up the opportunity of an event (contract, approval, launch, bid) happening in January that was the thesis of my investment. Unfortunately, both have declined over January and none of the catalyst events I had hoped for happened. However, I take solace in the fact that due to my position-sizing approach, they were my two smallest holdings, less than 3% each, minimising losses.

What am I focused on going forwards? With 33% of my portfolio now in cash, I am salivating at opportunities arising, given the huge market volatility. All I have to do is monitor my watchlist and wait for the pricing opportunities to land. In late Jan, I took advantage of one of those opportunities, investing a medium sized stake in Thg (LON:THG) (more discussion below). And…

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