Have been mulling this week on why so few of the shares in my portfolio have received takeover offers. I’m not necessarily thinking takeover offers are always good, there’s clearly been some takeunder activity going on - but I have been questioning if I’m invested in the right type of stuff.

I’ve concluded 1) I have a bias toward investing in businesses that (I find) are easier to understand, like consumer related businesses I come across in everyday life. 2) I have a bias to higher ValueRank and/or overall StockRank shares. These have not been in vogue when it comes to M&A. Basically my portfolio is skewed and omitting a whole load of interesting businesses that are maybe more expensive. I don’t know if I’m the only one in this boat but suspect I’m  not because I tend to think my biases are quite natural ones.

So I’ve tried to create a simple screen to find some new things to look at. Hoping this link works, it comes up with a shortlist of 50 shares. The fact that several of the ones listed have already received offers makes me hope I’m swimming in the right pool although I accept the offers may have helped suppress the ValueRank score to make the cut.

On the basis I may never understand these businesses or industries very well no matter how much research I do, I’ve looked to see if there is a fund or IT that I could invest in to get coverage of this area - but drawn a blank. Of course there are funds that hold these shares but if I buy them, I’m likely also buying more of the consumer/value stuff I already own, which I don’t want to do. So I’m minded to buy a selection of these shares, avoid the annual management charge, and reduce the risk by diversifying. To a degree the tried and tested Stocko algorithms are the management fee I’m paying for.


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