Hi all,

Like many here I find the Stockopedia screens amazingly useful.  However, I find myself checking in on my screens and trudging over old ground a lot because I forget which stocks I’ve already reviewed/discounted, and why I did so!  I can’t easily see which stocks have recently become included in a screen or whether they’ve been there for ages.   What I want is to be able to quickly check my screens for newly added stocks that I have not yet reviewed.

My suggestion is to allow users to ‘filter’ stocks on a particular screen based on a user selected status ‘discounted / pass / not interested’ or similar.  The status could allow users to exclude the stock permanently from that screen (until the user includes it again) or exclude it for a defined period (3 months, 6 months, 1 year etc).  My suggestion is that stocks which are ‘excluded’ are displayed at the bottom of the screener with a flag indicating their exclusion.  In an ideal world users would be able to leave notes to remind them why they passed on a particular stock - but this may be too much to ask!

As a far simpler alternative, simply displaying the DATE that the stock started appearing on the screen and allowing users to sort the list by this date would enable us to quickly see which entries are new and require review.  One issue I can see is that screens are checking daily whether stocks meet the relevant criteria, so to identity the ‘newest’ entries the system would need to look back for the most recent date each stock did NOT meet the criteria and use that date +1 as the strike date.

Does anyone else think this (or some variation on this) would be a useful feature?  If so, please ‘like’ this post!



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