After mulling over how I would structure my monthly contributions to the fine community of stockopedia(!), I have decided to create "Stock of the Month" contributions where I will provide a summary of a company that I think the market has missed.

For disclosure purposes, I will seek an entry into this tech play within the next fortnight but do not hold any shares yet nor do relatives, pigeons or friends

Just to tease you a bit more I will say that this company does not have a record of providing news releases, but when it does and they are positive, the market wakes up, sits down and takes note. The stock price is near the top of its record trading range but is moving horizontally below 100p at the moment. Any snap through 100p could be large. Its share price is 86p.

Enough teasing! Pennant International (L.PEN) is the company I am talking about and I think there is a good chance that Pennant will show off half year results ahead of market expectations. Before blabbing about the pretty swirls and colours about Pennant's financial future, I will say that the shareholding structure is not to everyones taste because the Chairman Powell and Chief exec Snook hold 45% of shares. Outgoing CFO Waller (who is 66) also dumped £1.12m into the laps of institutions at 80p. There was a discount but only of 10% and there has not been follow up selling so the institutions are holding. The margin is too small now and the shares are too illiquid for an insti to offload so I am encouraged

Director selling? Uh Oh! Red flags ahoy! I would agree if he was not going to leave the company but it has been on a phenomenal run and the valuation is not high. There is a nice thing that keeps me interested and this is fascinating.

Chairman Snook was recently given options of 1.4 million shares at a vest price of 5p. But these are not any old options! Look at the conditions.

"conditional upon the ordinary shares of Pennant having traded on AIM at a price of 100p or more for 10 business days within a 20 business day period  (1)   the right upon an offer for all the ordinary shares of Pennant becoming or being declared unconditional in all respects or upon a scheme of arrangement to effect such an offer becoming effective, to sell…

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