Good morning, and happy new year, from Paul & Graham! Did I get the date right above, yes! That's the first hurdle cleared.

Today's report is now finished.

Some links to start us off -

1. Ed's 10th year of running the automated NAPS system, which has out-performed all relevant fund managers over the long term. Check out this article to see which stocks it has selected for 2024.

2. Megan reviewed how the StockRanks system performed in 2023, with some interesting data and conclusions.

3. Graham's review of 2023, where his top 10 share ideas delivered a stunning 25% return!

4. My review of 2023, where I delivered a more pedestrian 17% return for my top 20 share ideas here, but a rather better performance from taking on more risk, and concentration, in my real life portfolio.

My top 20 share ideas for 2024

Remember these are just ideas to research, never recommendations. We cannot predict the future, so some shares ideas will work, and others won't.

I see it as my "best of the SCVRs", so you'll be aware of all of these shares already. The spreadsheet is now finished, it's here. I'll do a proper article when time permits, probably tomorrow.

I'm expecting some pushback on the 3 smallest items! The other 17 are all pretty conventional value/GARP shares that you'll recognise.

I have a list of 42 more companies that were good contenders for my favourite value/GARP shares, but didn't quite make it, for various reasons. So I'll do another post at some stage listing those, so masses of good stock ideas for you to have a look at are in the pipeline!

Explanatory notes -

A quick reminder that we don’t recommend any stocks. We aim to review trading updates & results of the day and offer our opinions on them as possible candidates for further research if they interest you. Our opinions will sometimes turn out to be right, and sometimes wrong, because it's anybody's guess what direction market sentiment will take & nobody can predict the future with certainty. We are analysing the company fundamentals, not trying to predict market sentiment.

We stick to companies that have issued news on the day, with market caps (usually) between £10m and £1bn. We usually avoid the smallest, and most speculative companies,…

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