Good morning from Paul & Graham!

A fairly uneventful budget yesterday, with all the main points already leaked to the media, as usual. Here's my brief summary -

  • Main measure, as expected another 2% cut in employee NI.

  • OBR forecast growth increased & expect inflation to fall to 2% target soon.

  • Plan for productivity gains in NHS & other public services.

  • Fuel & alcohol duties frozen again, as expected.

  • New British ISA - extra £5k allowance for investing in UK companies.

  • Non-dom being abolished, new regime for 4 years not 15.

I also typed up notes in real time as the speech was being delivered - googledoc link here.

As mentioned frequently in my podcasts, I think the macro outlook for the UK economy is now looking favourable, which I think should be bullish for equities. In particular, with inflation heading for 2%, and many households receiving 8-10% pay rises from April, plus another 2% NI cut, we could go from famine to feast. So I'm expecting the consumer to come roaring back this year, hence lots of opportunities for us to make money I think. Let's hope I'm right!

EDIT: I should have mentioned that others have commented the freezing of personal allowances for years means that the Govt is giving with one hand, and taking away with the other - a valid criticism. Increasing numbers of people are getting sucked into the 40% tax band for income tax. I feel the jump from 20% to 40% is far too great. Surely it would be more sensible to protect incentives to earn more if we had a 30% intermediate band? Some other countries have many more income tax bands, so that increases are much more gradual as salaries rise. There are also wild anomalies around £100k gross income, which deter people earning above that level, due to tapering of the personal allowance creating a c.60% marginal income tax rate.  If you were to design a taxation system from scratch, you definitely wouldn't come up with anything like the system we currently have!

Keelan's thread on the budget is here, if you haven't already seen it.

Explanatory notes -

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