Good morning, it's Paul today. Sylvia is my mother.

Preamble - we're winding down for Christmas, and I did a massive shop at ASDA last night. Probably like many of your families, we've had to reschedule the normal large Scott family get-together in Cheshire, for a very much smaller arrangement here in Bournemouth. 

Poor old Mummy took a tumble recently, tripping over a lap tray, and broke her wrist. So I've been doing the SCVRs in the mornings, and looking after Mummy (Sylvia, 85 years old) in the afternoons. She's doing well, and sends her love. 

Poole Hospital did a great job in bandaging up her arm on Monday. Mummy was the Hospital Teacher at Poole Hospital for decades, and she helped thousands of kids & their families, so I'm very proud of her. And it's great that the same hospital is now helping her, in old age.

But it's also that I'm delighting in talking to her, and I feel more relaxed and interested in what she has to say. ~Instead of rushing her, I'm saying take ur time Mum. If she wants to talk about something, that's good. Above all, this generation has a lot of WISDOM - which I want to share with you all - 

This is what Sylvia wrote about vaccines last week, in a family msg group.  Please feel free to share this, I think it's briliant - 

"We are all so privileged to live in a country that allows personal choice. In my childhood people died of measles, mumps, smallpox, polio, diphtheria, pneumonia etc; my aunt lost most of her eyesight to measles, my friend lost an arm to polio and TB was rampant, not to mention lung disease from mines, quarries and smoking. Vaccines, the greatest gift to the human race (and other animals), were grabbed with unquestioned desperation, resulting in huge life improvement and elimination of these deadly scourges. We mustn't take present life for granted, so many lives lost on the journey towards a better quality of life. So....Give vaccines a chance. They have an excellent history. They don't deserve rejection!" 
(Sylvia Scott)

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