Good morning from Paul & Graham.

Today's report is now finished.

Quick comments -

SKY News said last night that Cake Box Holdings (LON:CBOX) has received a low-premium 160p bid approach from an Australian cheesecake company, so it will be interesting to see if that's true or not (it usually is with SKY, who for some unknown reason has now become the pre-RNS go to place to leak news). The founders probably have enough shares to block this, so it would need to be an agreed bid. There have been too many slip-ups (being polite about it) from CBOX, so even though it looks an interesting growth company, personally I wouldn't lose any sleep if it went private, because I don't trust management.

UPDATE at 09:50 - no RNS from CBOX as yet, so it's not clear what's going on. Perhaps SKY can update us?!  Share price up 5% to 158p. 

UPDATE at 10:30 - CBOX has rejected the bid approach, issued at 10:00, here's the full text -

Response to Press Speculation 

The Company notes the recent press speculation.

The Company confirms that it received an unsolicited approach from River Capital to acquire the entire issued and to be issued share capital of the Company (the "Indicative Approach"). The Indicative Approach was made in early June and with an indicative price of 160 pence a share.

The Board unequivocally rejected the Indicative Approach as materially undervaluing the Company and no further discussions with River Capital have taken place.
This announcement has been made without the consent of River Capital.

Paul's view - pretty much as suspected, the controlling shareholders are not interested in selling out at 160p. I think this rather strange approach (why was it leaked, and by whom?) seems mildly positive for the shares. At least shareholders now have some validation of the current price being seen as attractive to a potential bidder. That's probably why it was leaked.

Lookers (LON:LOOK) - many thanks to davidallen77 for flagging in the reader comments below that it looks as if the Canadian takeover deal might be off - because it's been announced that 19.2% shareholder Cinch has switched sides, and says it will now vote against the deal. This was a strange situation, and I've mentioned here a couple of times before that I thought banking the bid premium at…

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