Good morning! We're back up to full strength today, with Paul & Graham. Yesterday's report was a bit weak, sorry about that, we'll try to catch up today & tomorrow.

All done for today, I can't process any more numbers!

Agenda - 

Paul's Section:

J D Wetherspoon (LON:JDW) - pubcos have been battered in the current bear market, for fairly obvious reasons - discretionary spending, when incomes are being squeezed by inflation. JDW's latest update is weak, with higher costs (some discretionary though) reducing profit guidance into a £30m loss. I think mgt can pull levers to restore profits, so this is starting to look like a potentially interesting entry point. Lots of costs are fixed, but not wages of course, a heavy drag on profits. Pubs are mostly freeholds, not revalued since 1999. 

Appreciate (LON:APP) [No section below] - The CEO is stepping down, with the Chairman covering until a replacement is found. I listened to a recent webinar from APP, and can’t make my mind up about the shares. The upside case does sound interesting, but overall it left me flat. The outgoing CEO is most noteworthy for being a weak presenter on webinars (sounding robotic) - raising the question, does that really matter? I think it does to an extent - anyone running a company should be excited about it, and able to communicate that, and inspire staff. Although stellar numbers matter more than presentational style. Numbers at APP seem OK, but not stellar by any means. Let’s see what the next CEO plans to do with the company. I'll keep it on the watch list. [No section below].

Loungers (LON:LGRS) - a strikingly better performance than JDW, from this rapidly expanding chain of bar/cafe/restaurants. I skim through the results for y/e April 2022, which look great, albeit boosted by Govt support measures that have since gone. Forecasts for the new year look soft, so little risk of a profit warning.  Much more upbeat current trading & outlook than JDW, which makes me ponder how different customer groups are behaving.

McBride (LON:MCB) (£28m) [No section below] - an in line update, but the company remains financially distressed, and is exploring options. Very high risk of dilution/insolvency. Two daft mistakes in the RNS - (1) a pointless footnote re market expectations, that doesn’t give any numbers! (2) quotes…

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