Good morning, it's Paul & Jack here with the SCVR for Thursday.


Paul's Section:

Parsley Box (LON:MEAL) - placing & open offer, at 20p per share. Directors & associates are stumping up £4.1m of £5.9m placing, an impressive commitment.  Trouble is, so far the business model has been a cash burning failure. Is that likely to change? Revised strategy looks more about survival than growth, so I see lots of risk and little upside. Hence best avoided I reckon.

Focusrite (LON:TUNE) - an in line trading update for H1. Share price overshot last year, and like many small caps, has corrected sharply this year. Is it a bargain now? Not really, but the valuation of PER 20 seems justified for a good quality business.

Boohoo (LON:BOO) (I hold) - back by popular demand, as it's almost a small cap again after a disastrous sector-wide de-rating in the last year. Today's FY 2/2022 update is (surprisingly) in line with (lowered) expectations. This looks a turning point to me.

Jack's section:

Finncap (LON:FCAP) - full year revenue to exceed the top end of its £45m-£50m guidance. No word on distribution of profits. The shares are very illiquid, but they also look cheap given how well the group is performing. Market conditions could turn of course, in which case you’d have to expect some volatility.

Forterra (LON:FORT) - FY results slightly ahead of expectations, despite previous upgrades. The shares have fallen along with the rest of the market but the results are good and the valuation undemanding, so it could be worth taking a closer look at these levels. The company notes rising costs but is pushing through price increases.

James Fisher And Sons (LON:FSJ) - not a company I’ve followed before, but one with a long operating history. Things have gone badly over the past couple of years and the share price has collapsed, so being cautious. There could be value given the lack of equity dilution and it might be worth monitoring on that basis, but debt is quite high, the results are poor, and the long term strategy has yet to be properly defined.  I'm curious to see how the situation develops but the risks are considerable.

Explanatory notes -

A quick reminder that we don’t recommend any stocks. We aim to…

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