Good morning, it's Paul & Jack here with the SCVR for Monday. Today's report is now finished.

Mello Monday is tonight at 6pm.

Agenda -

Paul's Section:

Revolution Bars (LON:RBG) (I hold) a short video I made over the weekend, mystery shopping the reopened, refurbished Bournemouth site. I was impressed. 19 refurbs underway (28% of the estate) should drive strong sales & profit performance this year, in my opinion. Hence I think the ducks are now lined up for a much improved performance in 2022, whilst remembering there are cost headwinds too.

M&c Saatchi (LON:SAA) - Vin Murria looks to be flogging a dead horse here, with her ill-judged takeover attempt. There's a 40p cash element added, but the bottom line is she hasn't got the firepower to buy SAA, so should back off.

EDIT: SAA has now issued an interesting update, worth reading if you hold, basically saying there's no merit in the deal, so the independent Directors have unanimously rejected it.

Gulf Marine Services (LON:GMS) (I hold) - an in line update. This is an interesting situation - very high debt, but the strong and predictable cashflows from medium-term contracts, being renewed at rising daily rates, gives a predictable path to debt reduction. The benefit of that could flow through to equity holders over the next few years. Guidance for 2022 is positive, and specific numbers provided.

Jack's Section:

De La Rue (LON:DLAR) - profit warning, with a c20% downgrade in FY operating profit from £45m-£47m to £36m-£40m. Seems like quite a change from interims reported in late November of last year. The turnaround is set back by a year and there’s a question mark over the profit growth profile going forwards, with ongoing substantial pension contributions to consider. FY results out on 25 May, so it could be worth waiting until then for more detail and commentary.

Corero Network Security (LON:CNS) - EBITDA to be ‘materially ahead’ of expectations, with a maiden profit before tax in sight. There has been a lot of equity dilution in the past and that makes me wary, but the direction of travel appears positive. Its ‘Highly Speculative’ riskrating is well-earned.

Here is mine & Jack's weekly SCVR summary on 29 minute audio. We rattle through almost all the companies…

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