Good morning, Paul & Graham here!

It's a clean sweep today, we covered everything, and mostly interesting companies too. So we'll sign off.

Let's hope the IT problem that caused so many problems globally on Friday has now been resolved, with prompt RNSs at 7am hopefully. Update: so far, so good!

Mello Monday starts 17:00 later today - details here. One of my favourite shares over the last couple of years, Cohort (LON:CHRT) is presenting.  Having done so well, do the shares have further upside? I believe Richard Crow is on the BASH panel, he's always worth listening to. Also Vin Murria of AdvancedAdvT (LON:ADVT) is on!

Begbies Traynor (LON:BEG) - it's the quarterly Red Flag Alert Report - which is particularly gloomy this time, even by Begbies standards! There's been a considerable increase in companies classified as being in "significant financial distress". Especially in travel & tourism, hotels, health & education, and bar/restaurants. "Serious concerns" remain in construction, real estate, and support services sectors.

Explanatory notes -

A quick reminder that we don’t recommend any shares. We aim to review trading updates & results of the day and offer our opinions on them as possible candidates for further research if they interest you. Our opinions will sometimes turn out to be right, and sometimes wrong, because it's anybody's guess what direction market sentiment will take & nobody can predict the future with certainty. We are analysing the company fundamentals, not trying to predict market sentiment.

We stick to companies that have issued news on the day, with market caps (usually) between £10m and £1bn. We usually avoid the smallest, and most speculative companies, and also avoid a few specialist sectors (e.g. natural resources, pharma/biotech, investment cos). Although if something is newsworthy and interesting, we'll try to comment on it. Please bear in mind the "list of companies reporting" is precisely that - it's not a to do list. We typically cover c.5 companies per day, with a particular emphasis on under/over expectations updates, and we follow the "most viewed" list of readers, so if you're collectively interested in a company, we'll try to cover it. Obviously with the resources available, we can't cover everything! Add you own comments if you see something interesting, and feel free to discuss anything shares-related in the comments.

A key assumption…

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