Good morning, I'm back (Paul) after a few days break. Many thanks to Roland for covering. 

It's certainly a very tough time in the markets at the moment, especially small caps. I always remind myself at time like this, that bearish market conditions are laying the foundations for the next bull run. So providing we hold sensible companies, reasonably priced, they'll usually go back up again.

Mello Monday starts at 6pm (online) this evening. Details here. I do think it's important to keep engaged, rather than withdrawing into despondency when markets are difficult.


Paul's Section:

John Menzies (LON:MNZS) - looks like a cash bid at an increased 608p is now enough to win over management to back the takeover bid from Kuwait's "Agility" infrastructure group. Are bearish stock market conditions creating opportunities for more investor windfalls from takeover bids? 

Clipper Logistics (LON:CLG) - continuing the takeover theme, management has agreed a bid from US-listed GXO, 75% in cash (690p) and the balance in GXO shares, which UK investors may not want to hold. It looks a fair price to me.

Synairgen (LON:SNG) - a speculative drug treatment company delivers the news investors dread - that its product failed the main targets in testing. Although crumbs of comfort come from secondary results. It's difficult to see much of a bull case now.

Jack's Section:

Sylvania Platinum (LON:SLP) - I hold - production down due to flagged technical difficulties and cash costs are up. The stock remains cheap in my view, but that depends on the outlook for the group’s PGM basket price. Management continues to return cash to shareholders via dividends, special dividends, and share buybacks. Even accounting for the operational challenges, the company remains highly cash generative at these levels.

Wilmington (LON:WIL) - good H1 results, as previously flagged. AMT has been sold for a useful premium, which goes some way to mending a balance sheet that could still do with a little work. The group’s two segments are both growing organically, and the return of face-to-face events could lead to further upgrades. I think it’s one to watch.

Explanatory notes -

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