Good morning! It's just Paul here today, as Graham has a prior engagement.

Podcast - what with one thing and another, I didn't manage to muster any inspiration to record my weekly summary this weekend. We can't have a gap, so I'll record it late either today or tomorrow. Apologies for any inconvenience.

Mello Monday is from 17:00 tonight - with entertaining speakers, and terrific companies - I want to see 3 out of the 4 presentations.



Synectics (LON:SNX) - 105p (pre-market) £19m - Trading Update (materially ahead) - Paul - GREEN

A positive trading update, and broker increases forecast EPS to 13.1p. Combined with a strong (net cash) balance sheet, reasonable divis, and a increased order book, this all looks attractive value to me. Not the most exciting company, but shares look cheap. So I think this looks a nice entry point. Stale bulls might sell into the liquidity, perhaps?

Quartix Technologies (LON:QTX) - Down 3% to 150p (£73m) - Konetik update - Paul - AMBER

Founder Andy Walters is back in charge, and kicking ass! After a board room clear-out, today's update basically tells us that the acquisition made in Sept 2023 was no good. Are shares good value after a 9-year round trip back to where they started? No, not really, based on current forecasts, about 19x earnings (which have been in a downtrend since 2018). That said, I think a turnaround here looks possible, and you can't beat a founder, motivated with a 22% stake to sort out problems.

Surface Transforms (LON:SCE) - down 7% to 10.6p (£28m) - Result of Open Offer - Paul - AMBER/RED

The open offer has been well supported, with oversubscriptions meaning it raises £2.7m. This is conditional on the proposed £13m capex loan completing, which still hasn't yet happened. It's due "imminently" the company says. High risk, until the crucial loan is agreed. 

Update: loan has been agreed, so the fundraising package should now go ahead.

Paul’s Section:

Synectics (LON:SNX)

105p (pre-market) £19m - Trading Update (materially ahead) - Paul - GREEN

Many thanks to gmtrader, who flags this materially ahead update in the reader comments below.

Synectics plc (AIM: SNX), a leader in advanced security and surveillance systems, provides…

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