Good morning, it's Paul here with the last SCVR for this week.

Agenda -

Paul's Section:

Lengthy preamble about current market conditions, and how I see the outlook for small caps, and areas of concern.

Renew Holdings (LON:RNWH) - another set of impressive results from this infrastructure support group. It's been a 25-bagger over 11 years, and still looks reasonably priced, considering earnings keep rising. Balance sheet still quite weak though.

Robinson (LON:RBN) - a profit warning due to higher costs. Profits expected to improve in 2022, as cost increases are passed on to customers. Surplus property disposals are imminent, but that cash looks necessary for debt reduction, which is too high. Overall then, it doesn't interest me.

Photo-me International (LON:PHTM) - reassuring update, trading towards top end of existing guidance for FY 10/2021. Looks great value on a PER basis. Might be worth a punt, but I'm not sure about the long-term outlook.

Paul’s Market View

When markets are turbulent, I tend to be deluged with messages, asking for reassurance about particular shares (e.g. BOO & SAGA - two of my largest positions, which have been poor performers of late), and what my market view is.

I always emphasise that I don’t know (and don’t try to guess) what market prices will do in the short term - nobody knows, and I particularly dislike it when people comment that “this will happen”, etc, when we’re all just guessing. I prefer “could”, or “might” happen. Although it is easy to accidentally slip into overly confident language, so I’m sure there are plenty of examples of that to be found here in our archive too! We all tend to become over-confident in bull markets.

Small caps seem to have been absolutely dire in the last few months. As is often the case, many charts look strikingly similar. This is how I see things over the last couple of years -

  • Late 2019/early 2020 - what they called the “Boris bounce” - removal of uncertainty over Brexit fuelled a big rally
  • Massive sell-off in Feb/Mar 2020 when covid originally struck - wave after wave of panic selling, globally
  • Strong recovery from April 2020 - driven by huge Govt stimulus & support packages (e.g. furlough), and re-opening in the summer
  • Drifting down in the summer/autumn of 2020 - valuations extremely cheap by then
  • Huge “everything…

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