Good morning, it's just Paul today, as it's Friday.

All done for today, and the week! Podcast tomorrow :-)  Have a lovely weekend all!

Brief market comments

The bounce is on! Is it going to be another bear market rally, or the start of a new bull market? Who knows, it depends on whether people buy or sell.  

Although it does seem to me that this week might be a turning point, as peak interest rates appear to be in, and markets look forwards. So who knows, but my money remains fully invested, as I think small caps are offering some tremendous value right now, for patient holders. 

Yes there are lots of profit warnings happening, and likely. There are also loads of takeover bids too. So I think these seem excellent conditions for investors who can tolerate the odd disappointment, and who think medium/long term (and of course who pick our shares carefully).

Managing my portfolio

Nobody forces us to sell anything, if we're ungeared. So if I don't like the market price of a share I hold, then I ignore the market price as being unsatisfactory.  What's wrong with holding? Especially if there's a divi to look forward to every 6 months.

A few years ago, I decided that staring at profit & loss figures every day was clouding my judgement. So I removed the columns in my spreadsheet showing the original cost, and the running profit/loss on each position. I found this greatly helped my decision-making. Instead of worrying about positions in the red, and gratefully selling them if they got back to breakeven, instead I focused on the fundamentals of each company, and the prospects. Is it decent value at the current price, with a reasonable outlook & balance sheet, and hence worth holding? If so, then my decision is to remain a holder, and my original buying price is totally irrelevant. That's something worth thinking about. Equally, if the fundamentals have gone wrong, and I don't like the value/prospects for the company any more, then it should be sold - and again, my buying price is irrelevant. It's easier to sell a duff share if you don't look at your P&L on it.

Explanatory notes -

A quick reminder that we don’t recommend any stocks. We aim to review trading updates & results of the day and offer our opinions on…

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