Good afternoon!

It's extremely quiet today for results & trading updates, so looks like I'll be able to down tools a bit earlier than usual today.

There's an interesting article today here about strong UK consumer spending. This reinforces my conviction that probably the safest place to invest right now is reasonably-priced UK consumer-focussed shares. That's where the bulk of my portfolio is anyway, and so far so good - I'm having a very good year so far (helped very much by the HOME takeover approach, so a bit of luck involved too).

Plus500 (LON:PLUS) - this share has been a fascinating roller-coaster ride, and whilst I looked at its results published a few days ago, decided against reporting on them here, partly because it's too big now (market cap is £615m, well above my usual cut-off c.£300m). Also, it's such a difficult company to assess, because there have been a lot of red flags, but on the positive side the company has paid out bountiful dividends, suggesting that the profit & cash are real.

My view currently, is that the big question mark remains how they manage to make such out-sized profits, when nobody else in the sector does, and whether that is sustainable?

The reason I mention it now, is that a Conference Call with the company has been arranged specifically for private investors this coming Monday at 10am. Details are not available yet, but will be shortly. If you would like to be contacted when more info is available, then this is the contact email address for the organisers, the very helpful Reg Hoare at MHPC:

I'm always happy to support initiatives such as this, to improve communication with private investors. After all, it's private investors who create the liquidity in the market, and set the price. So it's crazy the way many companies and their advisers almost completely ignore us!

Avation (LON:AVAP)

Share price: 132p (down 5.4% today)
No. shares: 51.5m
Market cap: £68.0m

(at the time of writing, I hold a long position in this share)

Interim results to 31 Dec 2015 - anyone who's been to an investor show in the last 2 or 3 years will have met the CFO of this airline leasing company, the affable Richard Wolanski.

The shares have dropped 5.4% today, so presumably a few people are not particularly…

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