I’m a fairly recent subscriber who has found Stockopedia immensely helpful and informative. It such a valuable resource, and well worth the fee. And everyone seems very nice here! I’ve become a regular listener to Paul Scott’s excellent podcast.

With the buttering-up out of the way, I am seeking some wisdom from those more experienced than I am...

After months of form-filling and hoop-jumping, I’m edging ever closer to getting my hands on a lump of money from and old pension pot, transferred into a new SIPP with interactive investor.

I have an existing ISA, which I’ve run for some years, adding to existing holdings, and taking out new positions, in dribs and drabs, as finances and bonuses allow.

But as I’m about to have six figures to invest into the SIPP, the amounts I’ll be investing are going to be rather bigger than I’m used to,  and in a shorter timescale.

My plan is to gradually buy-in to my chosen stocks as opportunity occurs. I’ll have Level 2 (ii offers a monthly subscription) although am not  fluent and still need to get my head around it properly. 

I’m not in a massive a rush to get fully invested, and am envisaging a period of several weeks or months to build positions of around £5-10k each. I’m also planning on keeping 10% in cash, for unknown future opportunities that might come along.

So, the wisdom I’m seeking is if I’m missing anything from a basic strategy of simply buying-in over a period of time?  I’ll have a few sturdy large caps, but mostly mid and small caps, although nothing hugely illiquid.

Any wisdom would be very gratefully received!

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