The risk of another market wobble seems to be growing, but it’s been a fairly quiet month so far for my SIF folio. This monthly review is a little earlier than usual, but with Christmas so close, I’m not expecting any major updates from any of the portfolio stocks during the remainder of 2021.

As usual, I’ll recap trades from the portfolio during the month before considering the stocks that are due for review this month.

SIF stock trades in December

Here’s a quick summary of the changes I’ve made to the portfolio so far in December. After this week, there will be no more changes until the new year.

Additions: No new stocks have been added to the portfolio this month, but I have reviewed Morgan Advanced Materials and Topps Tiles. Both companies left me with a broadly favourable impression. They may join the portfolio at some point, if the opportunity arises.

Disposals: I don’t usually sell stocks during the month, but it can happen if my profit warning or stop-loss rules are triggered. Both scenarios require an immediate sale.

This month it was a stop-loss scenario that triggered a sale, when FTSE 250 chemicals group Synthomer (LON:SYNT) breached my 25% running loss limit. I sold the shares from SIF and my personal portfolio last week. You can read my review of this situation here.

Portfolio stocks under review

My policy is to hold shares for a minimum of nine months. I then review them to see if they satisfy my screening rules for continuing to hold. If they don’t, they’re sold. 

There are currently three stocks that have been in the portfolio for at least nine months and are now due for review.

  • Persimmon (LON:PSN) - FTSE 100 housebuilder Persimmon has lagged the market this year, despite offering a tempting 8% dividend yield. Should I hold on for a better 2022, or is it time to pull the plug?

  • Tatton Asset Management (LON:TAM) - this financial services company has been in SIF since July 2020 and has been a double bagger for SIF. 

  • Robert Walters (LON:RWA) - recruiter Robert Walters has just issued (yet another) guidance upgrade. This small cap has been a top performer for SIF since joining the…

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