The research that the Stockopedia team and others have done into multi-baggers is one of the most popular studies amongst investors. And rightfully so. Finding just a few very high-return stocks can transform a portfolio’s performance.

The power of long-term winners is seen in the wider market, too. Over very long periods, stock market performance tends to be dominated by a few big winners, whereas the majority of stocks produce mediocre returns at best. As the following chart of 30-year returns from Bessembinder et al. shows:


The Makings of a Multi-bagger

In a previous article, I looked at how past multi-baggers performed. In particular, the UK stocks featured in a 2020 study called ‘The Makings of a Multi-bagger’ by hedge fund Alta Fox Capital. The study looked at the 104 global stocks that generated a total shareholder return greater than 350% over five years (with a market cap between $150m and $10b, excluding energy, materials, and financials).

One misconception that this study put to bed was that the UK market was not the place to be looking for multi-baggers and that investors should be focussing on the US instead. While the absolute number of high-return stocks was higher in the US, it was significantly below the proportion of stocks listed in the US. Meanwhile, the U.K. was over-represented as a proportion of stocks listed:


The U.K. stocks in the study were Games Workshop (LON:GAW) Future (LON:FUTR) £ J.D. Boohoo (LON:BOO) Keywords Studios (LON:KWS) Frontier Developments (LON:FDEV) Ab Dynamics (LON:ABDP) YouGov (LON:YOU) GlobalData (LON:DATA) Fevertree Drinks (LON:FEVR) Bioventix (LON:BVXP) Tristel (LON:TSTL) Learning Technologies (LON:LTG) RWS Holdings (LON:RWS) IG Design (LON:IGR) £IDEA Gamma Communications (LON:GAMA) .

However, when I analysed the subsequent performance of these stocks, it was not great. By 2023, 12 out of the 17 had subsequently lost investors money. The performance of these past winners has not got any better since. Here is the updated price change:


The relative performance of these stocks is abysmal, losing money during a period where simply owning a UK index tracker would…

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