A member recently asked for a table of all REITs and their key metrics to assist them with their research given that so many in the sector have experienced big price corrections.

The following is a list of REITs on the ASX and NZX including their key data. All these REITS have a market cap above $100M

If however you want to receive it in PDF format to print or make it easier to read then please email support@stockopedia.com.au and we will send you a copy.

Data as of 14 Nov 2023 and may have changed since published.

The information has been collected manually through a combination of annual reports and company updates. Where there is a gap in data, every effort was made to find the figure publicly, but to no avail.

Be sure to conduct your own research into the style of properties each fund invests in. Also, some REITs also have adjunct interests (particularly the larger REITs) therefore do not solely rely on Net Tangible Asset (NTA) per security or Weighted Average Lease to Expiry (WALE)  as sole measures of appropriateness or value.

If there is a stock missing that you think should be included, tell us in the comments selection below and we will respond in kind.

If you feel there is one missing let us know. You will also notice we have repeated the headings throughout the list to make it easier to reference.

This list is sorted by Market Cap.

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About the Author

Elio D'Amato

Premium Member


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Flag REIT Mkt Cap ($m AUD) Stock Rank™ Close NTA Prem / (Disc) Price Chg 1y (%) Price vs 52w High (%) Yield 1y (%) Gearing % * WALE yrs Note
au Goodman (ASX:GMG) 42,782 70 $ 22.71 $9.10 150% 24.3 -2.9 1.3 8.3 5.4
au Scentre (ASX:SCG) 13,064 85 $ 2.52 $3.52 -28% -14.6 -19.5 6.8 28.0 6.9 ex - Communities division
au Stockland (ASX:SGP) 8,980 94 $ 3.77 $4.24 -11% 1.3 -17.9 6.8 21.9 3.7 - 5.1
au Vicinity Centres (ASX:VCX) 7,966 97 $ 1.75 $2.30 -24% -12.3 -17.8 6.8 25.6 5.2