Edmund Shing identified Triple Point Energy Transition (LON:TENT) as a good income investment in May 2022 as it had a 6% dividend income and a 4% discount to NAV.

In 2023 this discount widened to 40% and so dividend income became a higher %. I was happy with my holding on the basis that the income had a lot of guarantees behind it, and that at some point, at least some of the discount to NAV would reduce. The situation has now changed as the company announced this month that a strategic review had led to the conclusion that the discount undermined any ability of the IT to grow, and in the meantime there was no obvious route to achieving shareholder value (ie unwinding the huge discount). Consequently Triple Point Energy Transition (LON:TENT) announced its intention to sell off its assets and wind up the trust. This has led to a welcome spike in the price, but as of today the SP is 66.5p against a NAV of 95p, ie still a discount of 30%, alongside the existing 8% dividend.

On this basis I intend to increase my holding as the chance of a 20%+ return in 2024 look exceptionally strong to me, given these special situation circumstances.

Simon Thompson has already highlighted this share in the IC, and I suspect he will continue to follow it closely, as this is the sort of locked in value that he tends to highlight in his columns.

As ever, this is my opinion about a share, which I already own.  Do your own research.

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