I'm posting on Stockopedia now as the Michael Walters site is running down and closing at the end of December. It's very enjoyable to have a rummage around on different discussions. Would like to be able to click on a subscriber's name and get a list of their posts but that is maybe a difficult tech change for Ed and his team. What I do find useful is to adjust the filter under the "Add Comment" section to "Unthreaded" so that the latest posts are at the top. Keeps it simple for this long term, low risk investor.

Thanks to Charles Mitchell for a good post on private equity trusts. The following VoX Markets interview with Steven Tredgett of Oakley Capital (OCI) is good. The concern on PE trusts at the moment is how good are the valuations. How recent are they and how prudent are they. Key point in this discussion is around 18 minutes where Steven Tredgett talks about HGT sales at NAV. If a private equity trust can get sales away at or above NAV, then that gives confidence to the existing NAV.  https://tinyurl.com/yc6tb2fv

Buying AGT allows me to access 3 themes: family run businesses, Japan (who seem to have a number of companies with lots of cash on their balance sheets plus a lack of analyst coverage) and private equity trusts (including OCI) trading at significant discounts to NAV. This is attractive to a safety first investor like me. https://tinyurl.com/y58eds9k

The FTG October Factsheet was published. Putting the following tickers [SGE,LSEG,EXPN,SDR,BRBY,REL,DGED,ULVR] into a Stockopedia portfolio gives an indication of the quality of 8 of the top 10 holdings in the trust. Gross margin % TTM ranges from 93% for Sage down to 59% for Diageo with Unilever strangely on zero (not sure why, explanations welcome). The ROCE stats are also pretty good. The constituents of this trust are high quality. This trust has been well managed for years by the manager, Nick Train. It's just a pity the board has allowed a discount to open up. They were happy to issue shares when the trust was trading at just above NAV but they don't seem interested in making significant buys to try to reduce the discount now. https://tinyurl.com/2tjrufhy

Monthly AIC Compass is available. It's sometimes very boring but there are some interesting facts and figures in the November edition: average discount on investment…

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