'Bulls' and 'Bears' make money (at times), whilst 'Hogs' get slaughtered.

So which animal delivers consistent returns over the long term?

Well what about the humble 'sloth'? Whose strategy is to simply pick stocks, snooze... monitor results, snooze... and do absolutely nothing even through tough patches if the investment thesis remains intact.

Indeed this 'sleepy, no fuss' approach seems to have served me well again this year. You see in H1'24, my portfolio was down -5% vs the FTSE All Share that was up +5%. A painful 10% under-performance.

However over the past 6 weeks - after a series of better than expected announcements from Pfizer, Bristol Myers, Roche, Inspiration Healthcare, Activeops, Paypal and Eleco.

This gap has surprisingly closed - such that YTD'24, my portfolio is now +4.5% higher. A very welcome turnaround.

Long live sloths.



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