Paul’s favourite share ideas for 2024

(This article expands on the detail of my spreadsheet published on 2 Jan 2024's SCVR - the share ideas are the same)

Starting in 2023, I decided to start publishing a list of my favourite value/GARP shares (growth at reasonable price). This ties in very closely with the Small Cap Value Reports (SCVRs) which I’ve been writing for 12 years now - daily reviews of the small caps news (mostly results and trading updates).

So my annual reviews are really a “best of the SCVRs” all just in my personal opinion (but backed up by facts & figures). It’s important to remember that there’s a lot of judgement in choosing shares, and also a fair bit of guesswork and luck - because nobody can predict the future, so we really have no idea which shares will go up or down, as the facts constantly change as time goes on.

What drives share prices?

There are different layers to share prices. They’re influenced by the company, and sector fundamentals. Then there’s a whole range of market, and sentiment factors to take into account. As we’ve seen in the last two year bear market for UK small caps, even companies that are performing well can see their share prices drop. Why? Because share prices are just a function of supply and demand. So if a fund manager is having to raise cash to pay out clients who want to withdraw from an open-ended fund, then they have to sell anything they can - which can sometimes be their best shares (as they have buyers in the market).

Or, people sometimes sell through boredom, and/or frustration at a constantly falling share price despite good fundamentals (guilty as charged: I stupidly sold HVO in early/mid 2023, despite liking the fundamentals a lot, missing out on a big gainer more recently).

I think it’s a mistake to imagine that the market is always logical and accurate in valuing shares - it frequently isn’t, and this is what presents small caps specialists with our buying & selling opportunities, when the market gets over-excited (e.g. 2021), or excessively gloomy (much of 2023). It’s always easier to see this clearly with hindsight though!

With my top 20 list of favourite shares ideas, I’m not able to predict which shares are likely to…

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