My 2023 watchlist for small caps

2022 was a terrible year for me, and for small caps and tech investors generally (with both AIM, and NASDAQ, down by about a third). Personally, I've given a lot of thought to all the things I did wrong in 2022, and learned the lessons hopefully. So I don't think reviewing a lousy year is a productive use of time. I'd rather look forwards, and see how we're going to make the money back again, with good ideas for 2023 and beyond.

Like many investors, I keep a watchlist of shares that I think look interesting, follow the prices, and then sometimes buy things on the list, e.g. if there’s a positive or in line trading update together with a solid outlook statement (I generally only buy after a decent trading update, to reduce the element of guesswork and profit warnings, at least initially). So when I spot an interesting share, I add it to my watchlist.

I thought it would be useful, and fun, to go through my watchlist of c.100 shares, and select what I think are the top 20 best ideas (from a Value/GARP investing perspective), and publish them - as ideas people might want to research further. Never recommendations, as it's up to you to research everything yourself.

Obviously I can’t predict the future, so I have no idea what the share prices of any of these will do. All of them are likely to go up, down, or stay about the same - but unfortunately at this stage, I don’t know which will be which!

In the past I’ve found that in a good year, I typically get a winner:loser ratio of about 60:40, in a very good year it can be as high as 80:20, and about 1 year in 3 or 4, I do badly, and have more losers than winners.

2022 was a very bad year, where my ratio of winners to losers was more like 10:90 - but that’s to be expected when the whole of AIM fell by about a third. Plus I was just in the wrong sectors, and over-concentrated, and I badly misread the macro picture. So there we go. Let's just draw a line under it, with my apologies to anyone who was influenced by my misplaced bullishness on some shares.

However, in the…

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