'In for a penny, in for a pound.'

Indeed as every stock picker knows, investing is not easy - especially if one runs a relatively concentrated portfolio of higher risk & idiosyncratic positions. There are occasions when things go well, and others when you frankly look like a fool.

Unfortunately H1'24 for me, has been one of those 'negative alpha' periods, where my portfolio has lost -4.8% vs a +5.2% gain from the FTSE All share.

Clearly not disastrous, but nonetheless painful and largely due to poor performances across a number of companies - such as #IHC, #AGFX, #ASTO, $BMY, etc.

That said, my returns (unlike professional asset managers) are not measured against quarterly, annual &/or 3-5 year benchmarks. Meaning I have the luxury of being able to underperform without any risk to job security.

Looking ahead, the plan is to stick closer to my GARP based stock picking process and keep all fingers/toes crossed. Hopefully H1'24 has simply been a case of 'darkest before the dawn'.



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