Oxford Biodynamics PLC is a global biotechnology company leading the world in the study and commercialisation of Epigenetics, the 3D analysis of the genome. The company is listed on the AIM market and has a market cap of £25m.

Following the publication of the half year results on 18 June, CEO Jon Burrows was joined by Chair Matthew Wakefield, CFO Paul Stockdale and CSO Sasha Akoulichev and provided an update on corporate performance, the company strategy and the opportunities that lie ahead. A recording of the webinar is available here.

The webinar started with some personal reflections from Jon about his experiences with cancer from relatives and close friends and how this had shaped his interest in this area of science and the impact it can have from an early age. In Oxford Biodynamics he has found a company that has a technology that is by far the best in its field and can make a real difference to health outcomes. This drives his passion and belief in what he is doing and the company focus to make the Episwitch technology widely available and ultimately to save lives.

OBD has two products currently on the market; the CiRT and the PSE test as well as a pipeline of products that can be partnered with other pharma and health companies in order to bring them to market. In Jon’s view the portfolio of products means OBD could be considered a mini Foundation Medicine or Roche Diagnostics.

Since the company last reported in January 2024 a lot of progress has been made and solid foundations established which leave the company well placed for future growth. The number of PSE tests have continued to grow in Q1 and Q2 and the top down approach to getting greater adoption of CiRT is gaining traction. Discussions are continuing with multiple parties interested in partnering on the Scooby (canine cancer) test and the Colorectal test and the company is confident something will materialise on this later in the year. Finally, CiRT has been recognised by the UK government in its call for a cancer immunotherapy response solution and the company is in the final stages of the selection process for a grant which is worth up to £9m in total to the winning consortium with £4m spent in the first year. If successful work would start in August 2024.

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