It’s been a topsy turvy year in the UK stock markets. A bull trap rally into February heralded a slow grind down towards new lows in late October. It seemed like yet another year of declining UK stock markets was on the cards, but Santa’s Rally brought some cheer with a rapid recovery from the lows. Most UK indices posted gains for the year: FTSE All Share +3.8%, FTSE 100 +3.8%, FTSE 250 +4.4% (as of 28th December). It’s been more of a struggle in the FTSE AIM All Share , which was down 8.2%. FTSE indices are market cap weighted, which isn’t reflective of most private investor portfolios, so I prefer to benchmark against the equally-weighted, annually-rebalanced 90+ StockRanks, which are up 4.4%.

Naps Portfolio Performance

It’s within this muted backdrop that I compare the performance of the 2023 NAPS Portfolio. This is the “No Admin Portfolio System” that I’ve now been running here for 9 years.

It’s a simple, systematic investment strategy that takes no more than an hour to administer each year. There’s no stock picking, no reading of the runes and no emotional hemming and hawing.

It’s based on the principle that good, cheap, strong shares tend to beat the market - on average over the long run. So if you buy a diversified portfolio of these kinds of shares, you should do fine.

In essence, the algorithm is: Buy the 20 highest StockRank shares, diversified across ten sectors. Once per year, rinse and repeat. I’ve fiddled with the rules a bit over the years, probably to little gain, but the long term performance has been quite satisfactory with a 182% gain over 9 years.


The above charts do exclude dividends and transaction costs. Including dividends for the FTSE All Share gives the total return a boost to 60% over the last decade. Still a wide margin away with the NAPS having typically yielded dividends of over 3% annually.

Nonetheless a fairer comparison may be versus Actively Managed Equity funds in the UK, as if you can’t beat fund managers, there’s little point running your own money. While the NAPS only has 9 years history, it’s beaten the performance of all 187 funds in Trustnet’s “UK All Companies Sector” fund database over 10 years. Over the last 5 years,…

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