This post is about possible revenue streams for a NET Power plant.

These plants will have an ASU to process air into its main constituents Oxygen,Nitrogen and Argon.Natural Gas(mainly Methane) will be combusted with Oxygen to create a stream of CO2 to drive a turbine /generator set.


As the plants are 300 Megawatts rated the amount of electricity produced per year will be around 2,430,900 Megawatt hours (300 x 365 x 24 x .925). Say 2.4 GWh. The .925 to allow for some maintenance time. The way the plant sells its electricity will determine the total revenue. NET Power plants can run as Baseload, Load following or Peaker. Prices for sale will vary substantially from $40(Baseload )to maybe $250 (Peaker) per megawatt hour.


NET Power documents indicate the plant will produce 820,000 tonnes per year. This is saleable for EOR at $20 to $30 per tonne with $60 per tonne tax credit or if just sequestrated $85 per tonne tax credit..


My calculations indicate this will be around 15,000 tonnes pa.

Price looks like $200 to $400 per tonne. Maybe higher price?


NET Power have not indicated that they will sell Nitrogen. However it is produced by the ASU. It appears to be a very large quantity.

Nitrogen when combined with Hydrogen produces ammonia. Ammonia is then used in fertiliser production. Price of Gaseous Nitrogen appears to be $50 to $100 per tonne. UAN28 a widely used liquid fertiliser is around $400 per tonne at present.

I think its one for the future. Its worth noting that 8 Rivers the part owner of NET Power has a new process 8RH2 for Hydrogen production which is supposedly very efficient(cheap?). it’s a variant of AFC the cycle used by NET Power.


The Allam cycle uses oxygen to combust natural gas. However the ASU may produce more Oxygen than is required by the generation side of the plant so it can be stored for later use or sold on perhaps.

The Oxygen is stored as LOX which is more expensive than GOX however the ability to sell electricity at higher prices makes this worthwhile.


Combust Methane(natural gas) with Oxygen and what you get is Co2 and water. A lot of water! Water is relatively cheap in most of the US but somewhat higher priced in other countries. Could be a saleable product.…

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